Modifications to add a dedicated CPC path for a CLI to RCP

  1. Select the project file (.slcp)
  2. go to the Software Components view


  1. install CLI instance(s) and add as well IO Stream: CPC as you are asked for an IO Stream component addition



  2. in IO Stream: CPC component configuration increase the transmit buffer size to 1024 at least so that the command responses won't get truncated.


  3. open sl_cli_config_inst.h in the config directory of your project and modify line 110 as:

   #define SL_CLI_INST_IOSTREAM_HANDLE    sl_iostream_cpc_handle
  1. Then we need to add some CLI commands to test. Read Cli Service documentation for more info

    in app.c #include section add:

    #include "sl_cli.h"
    #include "sl_cli_config_inst.h"

    in app.c add the following functions:

    // Create command handlers for the commands
    void echo_str(sl_cli_command_arg_t *arguments)
      char *ptr_string;
      for (int i = 0; i < sl_cli_get_argument_count(arguments); i++) {
        ptr_string = sl_cli_get_argument_string(arguments, i);
    void echo_int(sl_cli_command_arg_t *arguments)
      int8_t argument_value;
      for (int i = 0; i < sl_cli_get_argument_count(arguments); i++) {
        argument_value = sl_cli_get_argument_int8(arguments, i);
    // Create command details for the commands. The macro SL_CLI_UNIT_SEPARATOR can be
    // used to format the help text for multiple arguments.
    static const sl_cli_command_info_t cmd__echostr = \
                     "echoes string arguments to the output",
                     "Just a string...",
                     {SL_CLI_ARG_WILDCARD, SL_CLI_ARG_END, });
    static const sl_cli_command_info_t cmd__echoint = \
                     "echoes integer arguments to the output",
                     "Just a number...",
                     {SL_CLI_ARG_INT8, SL_CLI_ARG_ADDITIONAL, SL_CLI_ARG_END, });
    // Create the array of commands, containing three elements in this example
    static sl_cli_command_entry_t a_table[] = {
      { "echo_str", &cmd__echostr, false },
      { "echo_int", &cmd__echoint, false },
      { NULL, NULL, false },
    // Create the command group at the top level
    static sl_cli_command_group_t a_group_0 = {
      { NULL },

    in app.c app_init() function add the following to enable the above CLI commands:

    // And finally call the function to install the commands.
    sl_cli_command_add_command_group(sl_cli_default_handle, &a_group_0);
  2. Once you have done all of the above, your project is ready and you can compile and flash it.