Host side CpC configuration
CPC tunneling of the RAILTEST interface requires that CPC Daemon is deplyed on the Host machine connected to the EFR32 being tested
Also, Silicon Labs provides examples of CPC Bridging to Telnet only in Rust and Python. If this service must be ran natively as a C/C++ one, an entirely new must be rebuilt against the CPC libraries.
In this case we will use the Python provided script
All of the ressources used are provided in this github repository
CPC Daemon and libraries build and installation
This part is already described in our Concurrent Multi Protocol guide located in the OpenThread CPC Border
CPC IOStrem Bridge build and usage
Deployment instruction of the Python Library bindings are available here
Two possible solutions are provided :
Create a python package to be installed using PIP
The first option may not work from scratch, we will therefore cover the second installation option (Reused documentation from Silicon Labs)
Create a package with pip
These bindings are still in development and they rely on which is not part of this package. For that reason, bindings are not published in PyPi repositories. Fortunately, it's quite easy to build the package.
First, make sure you have the dependencies installed:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
Then, in this directory, next to the pyproject.toml, run:
python3 -m build
You should see the following in the dist
├── libcpc-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
└── libcpc-0.0.1.tar.gz
Finally, install the package by running pip install on the wheel file:
python3 -m pip install libcpc-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl
Running the Python Bridge script
Silicon Labs provides a dedicated python script located in cpc-daemon/script
Its usage is documented in this page
1. If CPCd was previously built, installed and configured properly, run it in a dedicated terminal or ssh session :
2. If Python Bindings were successfully built and CPC Library installed, run the python bridge script in a dedicated terminal as follows :
python script/ -n cpcd_0 -l build/ -p 8080 -v
Cennecting to the bridge over telnet
You can then test the bridge by opening a telnet connection:
telnet <host_ip> <host_port>