run DTM commands

  1. Launch YAT and open a new terminal from the File menu for your kit with the correct UART settings like described in this page
  2. alternatively other methods to send hexadecimal data can be used (Python for example)
  3. Then you can send commands as per bluetooth specification chapiter 7.8.28/7.8.29/7.8.30

For the below table remember commands start with 0x01 and following bytes are coded using the following scheme (OGF is upper 6 bits for the opcode coded in little endian)


Here are some useful ones as example:

test command OCF OGF hex string comments
reset 0x03 0x03 01 03 0C 00  
LE Transmit Test v2 0x34 0x08 01 34 20 04 00 25 00 01 4 parameters: channel is 0, data length is 25, type is PRBS9 and PHY is LE 1M
LE Test End 0x1F 0x08 01 1F 20 00  
LE Transmit test v4 0dBm 0x7B 0x08 01 7B 20 08 00 25 00 01 00 00 00 00 8 parameters: channel is 0, data lenght is 25, payload is PRBS9, PHY is LE 1M, no CTE, CTE type AoA, swictng pattern is 0, antenna id is 0 and TX power is 0dBm

Tests should always be ended by a LE test End to be able to send a new command.