- 1- OpenThread Border Router setup for Matter Development
- 2- OpenThread Border Router CPC setup for Matter and Zigbee CMP Development
- 3- Matter Dev Environment Setup
- 4- Matter Chip-Tool Build and Common usage
- 5- Matter Building and Running Lighting App Example
- 6- Matter Synchronized Sleepy End Device usage
- 7- OpenThread Border Router Radio Co-Processor (RCP) wake-up with 802.15.4 frame
- 8- OpenThread RF Diagnostics
- 9- OpenThread RCP over CPC
- 10- Adding a dedicated CPC path for a CLI to RCP
- 11- OpenThread Coap example
- 12- OpenThread Multi Instances example
Thanks to contributers Special thanks to PaulB !
Official Silicon Labs documentation can be found in Developer Documentation page.
Matter official github is located here
OpenThread open source main documentation page is available here.
Specific OTBR pages are here.
The Gecko SDK suite supports development with Silicon Labs IoT SoC and module devices. Unless otherwise specified in the specific directory, all examples are considered to be EXPERIMENTAL QUALITY which implies that the code provided in the repos has not been formally tested and is provided as-is. It is not suitable for production environments. In addition, this code will not be maintained and there may be no bug maintenance planned for these resources. Silicon Labs may update projects from time to time.