Change size of bootloader


Bootloader is configurable on EFR32. Sometimes, because several features have been added to the bootloader (decompression, parser with decryption, usage of PLL, etc), it does not fit into the default bootloader region and this leads to link error at compilation.

When this error happens, it is necessary to increase size of the bootloader memory area.This guide will help you to modify the bootloader storage region.

Modifying bootloader

  • Modify BTL_APPLICATION_BASE macro of btl_interface.h file with the new start address of application. As an example on EFR32FG28, the new value can be FLASH_BASE + 0x00008000UL

  • Modify BTL_UPGRADE_LOCATION_BASE macro in bootloader core component. A value greater than BTL_APPLICATION_BASE should be selected

  • Modify the bootloader region area either directly in the linker sript (autogen/linkerfile.ld) or with the memory editor tool:

Modifying the application

  • Modify BTL_APPLICATION_BASE macro of btl_interface.h file with the new start address of application. As an example on EFR32FG28, the new value can be FLASH_BASE + 0x00008000UL

  • Modify the application region area either directly in the linker sript (autogen/linkerfile.ld) or with the memory editor tool:

Keep in mind that the values of BTL_APPLICATION_BASE and BTL_UPGRADE_LOCATION_BASE should be page aligned.